Research topics and directions for future research in Human Resource Management 2023

 A Critical Review of "Human Resources Analytics: A Systematisation of Research Topics and Directions for Future Research" Published in Human Resource Management Review, Volume 32, Issue 2, June 2022, 100795


The article titled "Human Resources Analytics: A Systematisation of Research Topics and Directions for Future Research" aims to offer a comprehensive review of the existing literature on human resource (HR) analytics. The paper seeks to identify key research topics within the field and propose directions for future research endeavors.

The authors employ a systematic review approach and conduct a bibliometric analysis of 510 articles published in leading HR management journals. Through this analysis, the study identifies seven prominent research themes: (1) data and technology, (2) talent management, (3) recruitment and selection, (4) performance management, (5) diversity and inclusion, (6) employee well-being, and (7) strategic HRM.


The paper is commendable for its thorough bibliometric analysis and comprehensive review of the literature, effectively identifying essential research themes in HR analytics. The systematic approach and the application of bibliometric techniques enhance the credibility of the study's findings.

Moreover, the authors' suggestions for future research provide valuable guidance for researchers and practitioners interested in HR analytics.

However, the paper has several limitations. It focuses exclusively on articles published in top-tier journals, which may not capture the full spectrum of research in HR analytics. This narrow scope could potentially overlook significant contributions from lesser-known journals or emerging researchers.

Additionally, while the bibliometric analysis highlights key trends, it does not assess the quality or rigor of the articles analyzed, which could impact the interpretation of the research landscape.

Furthermore, the future research directions suggested by the authors are not empirically grounded but rather reflect their subjective opinions on existing gaps in the literature.

Suggested Future Research Directions

The article outlines several future research directions for HR analytics:

Understanding Mechanisms Linking HR Analytics to Organizational Outcomes: The authors emphasize the need for research that delves into the mechanisms through which HR analytics impacts organizational outcomes, such as productivity, employee engagement, and financial performance.

Improving Talent Management Practices: Future research should explore how HR analytics can enhance talent management practices, including employee retention, succession planning, and employee development.

Advancing Recruitment and Selection Processes: The paper suggests investigating the application of HR analytics, particularly predictive analytics, in recruitment and selection processes to identify the most suitable candidates for job roles.

Enhancing Performance Management: Research should focus on the use of HR analytics in performance management, especially in developing real-time feedback systems and personalized performance improvement plans.

Promoting Diversity and Inclusion: The authors recommend that future studies examine how HR analytics can be leveraged to foster diversity and inclusion within the workplace.

Enhancing Employee Well-being: The paper advocates for research on using HR analytics to improve employee well-being, particularly through the analysis of health and wellness data to create targeted wellness programs.

Strategic HRM Integration: Finally, the authors propose that future research should investigate the role of HR analytics in strategic HRM, particularly in aligning HR strategies with organizational goals through data-driven decision-making.


The article "Human Resources Analytics: A Systematisation of Research Topics and Directions for Future Research" serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners interested in HR analytics. By identifying key research themes and suggesting future research directions, the paper provides critical insights that can help advance the field.

However, the paper's limitations, such as its narrow focus on top-tier journals and the lack of empirical support for its suggested research directions, should be taken into account when interpreting its findings. Future research on HR analytics should aim to better understand the underlying mechanisms that link HR analytics to organizational outcomes, thereby contributing to a more nuanced understanding of its impact. 
