How Is The Research Methodology Chapter In Qualitative Research Written?


Research methodology for qualitative research is about how to carry out a research, that is, the procedure by which the researchers describe, explain and predict a phenomenon. In short, it provides enough information for another researcher/ investigator reading the dissertation to replicate the study.

Qualitative study is exploratory in nature. In essence, it is about making observations and developing theory. Qualitative research is a method of inquiry that helps to provide insights and understanding of the problem settings. The research methodology involves variety of methods of data collection from unstructured to semi structured methods that includes focus groups, individual participation like writing to a service center about their opinions, observation, etc. The research tends to include what an individual feels and experience and does not involve numerical data.

Research methodology is usually featured as the third chapter in a dissertation. It is a description of the action and decisions taken, the justifications for it from the point of view of the study, and the process that was involved in implementation and analysis.

Research methodology for a qualitative research usually includes information on:

  1. Research Question,
  2. Research Design,
  3. Researcher, And Participant’s Background, Beliefs, And Biases,
  4. Population, Participants, And Sampling Techniques,
  5. Procedure,
  6. How The Data Is Processed,
  7. Quality Assurance.

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