Exploring the leadership theories in business management for writing dissertation topics
If you search for leadership theories to build
your dissertation topic and theoretical framework, you are in the right place.
Leadership is always an exciting and evergreen topic in management and
behavioural studies. Depending on the many ways of thinking, there are over 66
leadership theories. Writing your dissertations without confusion between a
leader and manager is challenging even for the brightest minds. Hence, explore
a few current leadership theories and models to apply for building your management dissertation topics.
What is leadership?
is the process wherein an individual influences an individual to achieve a
common goal. Hence it is not a trait, behaviour, or position but one made by
the influence you make on others. Only leaders can influence the
employees to offer their best to develop an organisation or any work. Merely
giving orders, making schedules, and reviewing performances, requires
dedication and a wide range of skills. It is why small to big companies
worldwide need leaders to grow their businesses by overcoming the many
challenges. Hence it becomes essential for knowing the right and relevant
leadership theories for your dissertation topics.
Leadership theories for dissertation topics
on the type of dissertation topic, choosing the leadership theories is easier
said than done. It may solve a problem, increase sales by removing bottlenecks,
or develop business among the severe competition. For you to choose the
right one for applying it to build your dissertation topic, many leadership theories include.
Leadership Theory |
Objective |
Contingency Theory |
explaining capacity for leadership |
Situational Leadership Theory |
identify a particular personality or behavioural characteristics shared by
leaders |
Transformational Leadership Theory |
on particular variables related to the environment that choose a particular
style of leadership is best suited for the situation |
Transactional Theories |
on the role of supervision, organisation, and group performance |
Behavioural Theory |
on the study of specific behaviours of a leader |
Grand Man Theory of Leadership |
on identifying the innate qualities and characteristics possessed by great
men. |
Trait Theory of Leadership |
on identifying different personality traits and characteristics that are
linked to successful leadership across a variety of situations |
Among these leadership theories, “Transformational and Transactional leadership theories are
the most effective style to use in business situations”.
i) Transformational Leadership Theory
Transformational Leadership theory, also known as Relationship theories,
focuses on the relationship between the leaders and followers. This theory
talks about inspirational and charismatic leader inspiring their followers to change
and become better at a task. Transformational leaders classically motivated by
their ability to show their followers the significance of the task and the
higher good involved in performing it. These leaders are focused not only on
the team’s performance but also on individual team members’ required push to
reach their potential. This leadership theory will help you to sharp your
ii) Transactional Theories
Theories, also referred to as management theories or exchange theories of leadership,
revolve around the role of supervision, teamwork and organisation. These
theories ponder rewards and punishments as the basis for leadership acts. This
is also oft-used business theories, and the supporters of this leadership style
practice rewards and punishments to inspire employees.
Recent research on transformational and transactional leadership
i. A Meta-Analysis of Transactional Leadership and
Follower Performance: Double-Edged Effects of LMX and Empowerment
this article1 meta-analytic work for the relationship between
transactional leadership and one of the most focal leadership outcomes:
follower performance. The transactional leadership follower performance is
discussed using a meta-analytically tests model based on social exchange theory
and self-determination theory. Transactional leadership is theorised to affect
follower performance sequentially through the leader-member exchange (LMX).
Psychological empowerment has been investigated. It’s discussed how leaders can
benefit from these findings, including modifying one’s delivery of
transactional leadership approaches. Figure 1 shows the coefficients for all
paths in the hypothesised model.
Figure 1.
Estimated Mediation Model1
ii. Leadership of Political Policy Entrepreneurs: A
Comparison of Transactional and Transformational Styles
this review work2, policy change in both transactional and
transformational leadership styles of policy entrepreneurs has been discussed.
India’s overall policy changes during the NDA rule of 2014–2019 were taken into
account, focusing only on political policy entrepreneurs. The qualitative data
helped in designing the questionnaire, which consequently got filled by 158
respondents. The results established the positive and significant relationship
of both styles with policy changes. However, transformational leadership
behaviour is preferable to transactional in influencing policy changes.
iii. Bolstering Workplace Psychological Well-Being Through
Transactional and Transformational Leadership
The work3 focus
on leadership and related (e.g., organisational behaviour, human resources,
applied psychology) the theoretical or empirical study of employee
psychological well-being. Researchers have instead focused primarily on
subjective well-being (e.g., job satisfaction, life satisfaction, and positive
affect). This research work focuses on four contributions. The work intends to
provide propositions to encourage the field to reach beyond subjective
well-being by theorising new linkages between leadership, psychological
well-being, and follower work behaviour. The work seeks to enrich our
understanding of the underpinnings of thriving and performance in the
other related studies by Albert et al. 4, Alrowwad et al. 5,
Jacobsen et.al6 have also discussed the transactional and
transformational leadership effectiveness.
Future Scope
future work needed for current and future scholars in the realm of leadership:
- Additional
empirical studies of leadership- especially experimental and
quasi-experimental lab and field studies as well as longitudinal,
process-oriented, and dynamic studies
- Fuller
accounting of context, both conceptually and empirically, in leadership
research: whether context-dependent, context-specific, or context-free
- Fuller
accounting of culture, both conceptually and empirically, in leadership
research: whether culture-dependent, culture-specific or culture-free
- A better
understanding of the “dark side” of leaders and leadership to complement
the more advanced knowledge about the “bright side” of leaders and
- A better
understanding of biological and genetic components of leadership
- A better
understanding of the cognitive-emotional interface in leaders and for
- Additional
work on minorities (who will soon be the majorities) in leadership and
minority (who will soon be the new majority) leaders
- Complete
development of multilevel issues in terms of leadership theory, concepts,
construct usage, relationships, measures, data analysis, and inference
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Young HR, Glerum DR, Joseph DL, McCord, MA. A Meta-Analysis of Transactional
Leadership and Follower Performance: Double-Edged Effects of LMX and
Empowerment. Journal of
Management. March 2020. doi:10.1177/0149206320908646.
Mishra, S.S. Leadership of Political Policy Entrepreneurs: a Comparison of
Transactional and Transformational Styles. Public Organiz Rev (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11115-021-00508-6.
Hannah ST, Perez ALU, Lester PB, Quick JC. Bolstering Workplace Psychological
Well-Being Through Transactional and Transformational Leadership. Journal of
Leadership & Organizational Studies. 2020;27(3):222-240.
Puni, A., Hilton, S.K. and Quao, B. (2020), “The interaction effect of
transactional-transformational leadership on employee commitment in a
developing country”, Management Research Review, Vol. 44 No. 3, pp.
399-417. https://doi.org/10.1108/MRR-03-2020-0153.
Alrowwad, A., Abualoush, S.H. and Masa’deh, R. (2020), “Innovation and
intellectual capital as intermediary variables among transformational
leadership, transactional leadership, and organisational performance”, Journal
of Management Development, Vol. 39 No. 2, pp. 196-222. https://doi.org/10.1108/JMD-02-2019-0062
Christian Bøtcher Jacobsen Lotte Bøgh Andersen Anne
Bøllingtoft Tine Louise Mundbjerg Eriksen, Can Leadership Training
Improve Organizational Effectiveness? Evidence from a Randomized Field
Experiment on Transformational and Transactional Leadership, Public
Administration Review, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1111/puar.13356.
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